clips & publications
Written extensively on spirit/psyche/religion, art and design, book reviews, music, film and travel. She has also done her share of profiles, personal essays, literary non-fiction and life-style pieces. Occasionally has tackled beauty, food, health . Hanly reported from many countries in Latin and central america, most especially Argentina and Cuba. This work has ranged from Op-Ed pieces on the evolving role of the Catholic Church in Cuba to interviews with human rights activists and attorneys from the era of Argentina’s “Dirty War” and beyond.
Perhaps the most important piece she has written focused on a group of young poets in Cuba. For a moment it seemed they might break the state monopoly on publishing. The article was published in both London’s The Guardian and The Partisan Review. This article helped both launch some careers internationally and keep the group a bit safer at home.
Partisan Review.Feature. Community of poets in Havana.
Enterprise skills
While she has on occasion been given straight-forward assignments from editors, the bulk of her work are “enterprise pieces.” Without a news organization’s or publication’s resources, she have found compelling stories and developed them before approaching an editor for buy-in. The sensibility to know what makes a good story for what audience is one of the strongest skills she brings to any project.
Editing/writing for kids
Her work as a director for a kids’ out-reach program at Miami’s Museum of Contemporary Art, her work with The Young People's New Bureau, her summer journalism workshops for high school students in addition to her work developing both fiction and nonfiction books and magazines at Scholastic Books has given her considerable skill in both writing and editing a wide range of materials for kids.